Sunday, March 20, 2011

More Favorite Disneyland Characters

Mickey Mouse - perhaps the world's most famous characters, Disney cartoon character Mickey Mouse is the first to be introduced. Many people believe that the wealth of Disney's mouse was made to the silly, the 'ah, blah' happy go lucky personality is very cute thanks.

Minnie - Each mouse must have his maid, so Minnie Mickey is almost always around. She kept the bow on the people who visit the Disney theme parks to wear 'mouse ears for regular accessories. Minnie added a romantic touch to most of the other male actors.

Aladdin - A favorite for boys and girls, like, this naughty little boy is very clear the trouble maker.

Favorite Disneyland Characters

Favorite Disneyland Characters

Pluto - that dog loose limbs (he was a Buggy Greyhound a large Labrador dog??) Is a faithful companion fly. His character reminds us why we love dogs almost everyone: Pluto is ready to open big, sloppy kiss, he is a loyal friend.

Pinocchio - the Disney characters to convey a valuable lesson to tell the truth. Although he is not really one of the most popular figure, he also teaches parents the consequences of lying and bearing false witness their children.

Favorite Disneyland Characters
Goofy - Scooby do, no doubt this role, who is always caught in a jam and logging based on his way out.

Ariel - Disney's latest cartoon characters in addition to the clan, taking into account the character (under) the sea princess. The Little Mermaid movie star to remind the little girl, no matter who tried to stop them achieve their goals, they will ultimately prevail.

Favorite Disneyland Characters
Favorite Disneyland Characters

Donald Duck - an impatient friends in each group, representative of the character Donald Duck. This tends to make him duck his temper get the best, even if not temper Mitch. Audiences love to see him blow his top.

Cinderella - every little girl's dream is to find the right glass slipper - and therefore, to find her Prince Charming. Girls wearing full access to the Disney Princess Cinderella honor gear, who was the first Disney characters, really excited, "I am a princess," the belief that the little girl's harbor.

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